Services Offered

Web-based Appointments

Currently offering:

Are We a Fit?

An opportunity to connect virtually and talk to see if we're a fit for working together. It's a chance to air any concerns or misgivings about what it is that I offer. It's important that we get a good vibe for working together, and no hard feelings if this isn't the right timing. 

The greatest transformation happens when both the heart and the mind are in agreement. 

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Private Session

If you feel frustrated or anxious, or simply desparate as you've tried different things and nothing seems to change - I help people with the heavy lifting of shifting all of that. 

Ready to shift out of patterns in your life that influence your choices?  Freedom and ease are yours, let me help guide you to that reality

As part of your private session you are asked to book a 15-minute follow-up.  Please book that at least 3 days after your private session. 

Payment available through booking site, or if you are outside of the US, contact me to arrange payment.

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Corporate Group Speaker

Come together in community to learn more about a common topic/theme and how unwanted patterns keep recurring.  In a group setting, be intuitively guided to shift and release thoughts and emotions which are outdated and no longer working for you. 

To learn more, contact me directly
