
What is Intuition?

Everything is made of subtle energy and energy is information with a vibration (E=mc2 for those who are scientifically inclined).

Subtle energy is a way of communicating with all that is, including plants, animals and even our bodies and the energy that surrounds us within our aura.

We use our intuition to understand what the information with a certain vibration has to share with us.

The most common forms of intuition are:

The Clairs all work together most of the time, some appearing stronger than others at times.  Most people can relate to “getting a gut feeling” or walking into a room and “knowing” something heavily charged just happened even though they weren’t there to witness it at the time it happened.

What is an Intuitive Reading/Healing?

An intuitive reading is a way of reading, or communicating with the energy in us and around us, using our intuition.  The healing part happens when the information we read or hear expands our awareness.  Once this new learning is received, the energy is shifted.  Changing the vibration changes the reality of whatever is bringing you discomfort - whether that's in the physical, mental, emotion, spiritual or auric part of your being.  If the vibration has changed and it no longer exists as it was, it is then healed.  So, we're not really "sick", we just have something to learn about ourselves that expands our awareness. 😉

My specialty or way of communicating with all that is, is via my higher self.  To me, the higher self is the highest version of myself; the higher mind which isn't caught up in trying to stay safe, protected or in control.  Using my intuition, I connect to my higher self to read or interpret the information with the vibration/subtle energy.  Since everything is made of subtle energy, even our bodies, thoughts, emotions, etc., when you ask me a question, your higher self starts giving my higher self information.  My intuition kicks in and:

The old emotions are harmonized, the old beliefs are liberated, your current reality is strengthened and more resilient to others' energies as your consciousness/awareness of who you are, has expanded.

Expanding our awareness and changing our current reality is an on-going, lifelong process.  There is no end to discovering old thoughts, beliefs, patterns, ways of being that are out of context and out of sync with who we are here and now.  And who we are now is always expanding as our awareness grows.  It’s an exciting journey of discovery.